Hand-held CO2 monitor demonstrates quick and simple incubator verification
Feb 24 2015
With ever-growing sales of the portable G100 analyser, UK manufacturer Geotech reports a global trend towards convenient use of their electronic analyser, rather than testing using selective absorbing fluids, to check CO2 and O2 levels in incubators. Users of the analyser include IVF clinics, pharmaceutical laboratories and many other researchers and technicians worldwide who rely on consistent incubator gas levels to ensure optimal culture or embryo growth.
Whilst all incubators already have on-board gas measurement instrumentation, there are various conditions which may demand verification from another device. Some laboratories use high temperature cleaning routines which, unsurprisingly, can affect the incubator’s own instrumentation. Checking against a calibrated G100 provides immediate reassurance that instruments are reading correctly or allow adjustment. If a large number of incubators are cleaned and brought back into operation in a limited time, being able to check a large number of incubators in quick succession is vital.
Older incubators may require regular checks but even though newer models can carry out an automatic re-zero of the CO2 sensor every month, such incubators’ operating procedures often recommend that CO2 and O2 levels in the chamber are checked at intervals. In addition, whilst many incubators have an auto-zero function for CO2, they do not necessarily span calibrate on-board instrumentation. Checking with the G100 ensures that the target gas level is being achieved consistently.
The G100 can connect to the variety of gas sampling ports built into all brands of incubator, including the popular Thermo, Galaxy and Esco ranges. This means that gas readings can be taken in less than a minute without opening the incubator’s inner door and potentially affecting the culture environment. All G100 analysers measure carbon dioxide, but oxygen is often considered just as important and is available as a measurement option, as are temperature and humidity. The dual temperature probes offered allow temperature to be checked simultaneously at two points within the incubator.
Designed specifically for checking incubators, the G100 weights only 495g and its case can cope with the regular disinfection essential in a clinical environment. CO2 is measured 0-20% and O2 0-100% and visual and audible alarms can be set by the user. Temperature measurement is 0-50°C and relative humidity 0-100%. As laboratories have appropriate piped or packaged gases available on site, it is a very quick job to routinely zero and span calibrate the analyser. The G100 can be used for a full 12 hours and is easily recharged overnight. It is also designed to manage the high moisture levels inevitable with such an application.
This handy and flexible tool is used by many technicians and incubator manufacturers’ own maintenance teams. The analyser is provided with a hard carry case and charger as standard. Additional options include software for downloading and managing readings. This can be used in combination with the analyser’s data logging function when projects demand regular readings over a long period, such as over a weekend.
Geotech has a trained global network of distributors who can supply and support the G100. Visit the website or contact Geotech online to be put in touch with your local supplier.
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