Microscopy & Microtechniques
Monitoring Matrix Complexity During Ultra-Trace Level Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis
Jul 20 2010
Author: Brian J Murphy
The RADAR-enabled Xevo TQ-S method enables the collection of spectral information on background components in the sample matrix while simultaneously collecting MRM data for the quantitation of target pesticides.
To analyse multiple pesticide residues in food matrices to ultra-trace concentrations while simultaneously monitoring matrix background complexity.
One of the biggest challenges in ensuring the safety of our food supplies is the measurement of hazardous ultra-trace level components in the presence of a highly complex sample matrix. For the analysis of pesticides in food matrices, the increased use of liquid chromatography systems coupled with tandem quadrupole mass spectrometers has allowed progress in reducing the problems caused by the sample matrix. However, difficulties remain when trying to discriminate against matrix components that exhibit similar physiochemical properties. Unawareness of these difficulties in each unique sample can lead to poor quality results, and can
impact a laboratory’s performance and reputation. The ability to understand the matrix challenge of each injected sample is clearly beneficial as is the ability to monitor changes in the sample matrix between samples and batches. This capability can lead to the continuous improvement of analytical quality in the laboratory. When operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, conventional LC tandem quadrupole systems do not allow the direct monitoring of the sample matrix during routine high sensitivity determinations. In this technical brief, we describe the unique capability of Xevo™ TQ-S, which allows the monitoring of matrix complexity during
ultra-trace multi-residue pesticide analysis.
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