• Johns Hopkins Experience shows Customers buy more than just an Instrument

Laboratory Products

Johns Hopkins Experience shows Customers buy more than just an Instrument

Jul 12 2012

Justin Galloway, a graduate member of the Searson and Devreotes Group at The Johns Hopkins University in the Institute of NanoBioTechnology, cites Malvern Instruments customer support as being instrumental in helping interpret and develop some of the data associated with the publication of a paper in the journal Nanomedicine.

Mr Galloway elected to use a Zetasizer Nano from Malvern to collect size and zeta potential data for quantum dot (QD) studies and found Malvern extremely supportive in responding to his enquiries about the most appropriate methodologies and analytical techniques for getting the most from his biomedical nanoparticle characterisation data.

Justin Galloway said, “When Johns Hopkins’ Department of Materials Science and Engineering had the opportunity to get a light scattering instrument we looked at several. Malvern always gives us what we need, the price is right and the Zetasizer is easy to use as a beginner. However, I wanted to find out even more about how to get as much information from my results as I could so I contacted the Product Marketing Specialist.”

“I was really surprised how much time he was willing to spend with me. After discussing my work with him, both by phone and in person, I became confident in how to best present my data. His help was instrumental in getting my work published,” explained Mr Galloway.

‘Quantitative characterisation of the lipid encapsulation of quantum dots for biomedical applications’, by Justin F. Galloway, B S et al, was published in Nanomedicine in December 2011. The authors report on the water solubilisation of quantum dots using lipid encapsulation. Particle size distributions and zeta potential, used to determine stability and surface functionalisation and for final product quality control, were obtained using a Zetasizer Nano.

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