• Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 - the FRITSCH PLUS convinces the Jury!

Laboratory Products

Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 - the FRITSCH PLUS convinces the Jury!

May 22 2012

Again an award for a FRITSCH instrument: The Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 received a nomination in the category optical technologies. The Huber publishing house for Neue Medien GmbH (New Media) has been awarding the Industry-Award since 2006 during the Hannover Messe and supports companies from the industry, in making the public at large aware of their progressive and innovative products.

The award made quite an impression with more than 500 applicants. Neither the VDI (Association of German Engineers) nor the Huber publishing house for Neue Medien (New Media) GmbH were expecting such an enthusiastic response. All prior application records of the previous years were surpassed. And since there were many “high potentials” among the applicants, the independent 30 member professional jury consisting of professors and specialized journalists had a difficult time selecting the overall winner. But the well-conceived concept of the FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 like for example the simple operation, the fully automatic evaluation and cleaning cycle as well as brief measurement times convinced the jury. With the Laser Particle Sizers ANALYSETTE 22 MicroTec plus (measuring range 0.08 - 2000 µm) and ANALYSETTE 22 NanoTec plus (measuring range 0.01 – 2000 µm) particle sizing becomes an easy task in production and quality control or research and development.

In this renowned and not only in the industry sector highly regarded award, industrial enterprises are honoured (and not only large ones, but also medium-sized as well as family owned enterprises) which can demonstrate a high technical, economic or social value. Here also solutions for the industry play a part.

So must each company in the context of their application define a selected solution and describe its advantages. The German industrial establishments enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide and their performance power which is fed by their spirit of inventions, their specialised know-how, as well as their willpower to develop suitable solutions is enormous. The technological products developed by these companies convince with their quality and precision and are met with great attention and are utilization worldwide. The companies are therefore a substantial aspect for the successful advancement of our communities. They create the basis for economic prosperity and enable new, progressive concepts for living.

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