Triple Detection GPC ? a Powerful Tool for Characterising Polysaccharides
Oct 30 2007
Chitosans are a focus of interest for various applications. They can be used in a range of medical applications as they are biocompatible, hypoallergenic, biodegradable and bioabsorbable. Triple Detection Application Note 7 examines how physical processing of chitosan samples can directly affect characteristic properties, such as molecular weight distribution, size and conformation. The application note demonstrates how by using the Triple Detector approach, changes in molecular structure and molecular chain length can be simultaneously and independently monitored.
Many hydrocolloids such as agar, pectin, gelatine and carrageenan find application as thickening, gelling and stabilising agents in products such as frozen desserts, chocolate milk, yoghurt and toothpaste. In the application note ?Structural Distribution of Carrageenan Samples' - a Viscotek Triple Detection GPC system and OmniSEC software is used to fully characterise three carrageenan samples at elevated temperature to ensure complete dissolution. Data is provided demonstrating how the tripe detection technique provides valuable information on chain conformation as well as the structural distribution of the Kappa, Iota and Lambda forms of this complex naturally occurring polymer in a single experiment.
Maltodextrins are produced from the degradation of starch, often by the use of enzymes. The products are widely used as ingredients in food and pharmaceutical products. Because maltodextrins are derived from starch they are a mixture of both linear and branched molecules. This can lead to large errors if they are characterised by conventional GPC. The application note ?Analysis of Maltodextrins' shows how the use of Triple Detection GPC can clearly measure the differences in both structure and molecular weight for 3 maltodextrins with similar bulk viscosities but very different enduse properties.
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