• Xevo G2 QTof Mass Spectrometer

Laboratory Products

Xevo G2 QTof Mass Spectrometer

Sep 17 2010

At Waters, we harnessed the world’s most advanced oa-Tof technology. We made it more accessible and more versatile than ever. Now available for the benchtop - research-grade technology with the Xevo™ G2 QTof.

The Xevo G2 QTof is the most sensitive, exact mass, quantitative and qualitative benchtop MS/MS system. While it maintains the integrated workflow benefits of Engineered Simplicity™ found in our existing Xevo QTof, it also incorporates the groundbreaking QuanTof™ technology of our SYNAPT® G2 system.

Bringing research-grade quantitative and qualitative analytical performance to research, academic, and industrial laboratories, QuanTof technology extends the dynamic range to greater than four orders of magnitude and results in much higher mass resolution (20,000 FWHM) for greater efficiency and productivity in the laboratory.

This means you can experience a new level of uncompromised quantitative and qualitative analytical performance in a benchtop footprint. It also means your next scientific advance is closer than ever. www.waters.com/xevog2